Welcome to the Wholehearted Collective

A place for women who lead to explore vulnerability, courage and resilience.

About Me

I'm a Transformational Coach living in Nelson, BC. I am passionate about discovering more ways to lean into authenticity and courage. I believe that our heart, our inner knowing is the compass and the guide to the truth of who we really are. 

That's why I became a coach and most recently a Certified Daring Way™ and Dare to Lead™ Facilitator. Today, I am building my Mighty Network so that women can build connections with one another through deeper and more meaningful conversations.

My core values are connection and creativity and I see this as a new way to build a community where we can share, learn and grow with each other.

Why You Should Join Us

By joining us you will experience exclusive content and conversations you can’t find anywhere else. You will meet other women who share your interests, your values, and who care about the same topics. We will explore ideas like leadership, transformation, authenticity, courage, grace, self-compassion and so much more. We will share stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around our shared mission of being BETTER TOGETHER. You will find inspiration and thought-provoking conversations, each and every day.

This is not your run of the mill social media platform. Wholehearted Collective is based on intention, connection and community.

A Big Thanks

As a thank you to you and other members of the Wholehearted Collective, I will often be offering discounts to programs, free coaching sessions and give-aways, just for you!